Friday, 8 May 2009

Garden Update

Things move fast in May -
This is the Amelanchia that was just coming out on May 1st
Do you remember the Broom that I had to take out last year? Some will. I was begged to leave it! This is how it looks today -

And here is the Clematis armannii that also was just coming out on May 1st -


Exmoorjane said...

Oh so THAT is amelanchia - I have one of those I think...
Fabulous photos Withy but making me feel I MUST get out in the garden sometime soon or we'll be living in a jungle.

Chris Stovell said...

Anything that has dared to rear its head in our garden is getting blown away today!

Elizabethd said...

My Amelanchior has finished flowering now, but was absolutely covered in flower.....a good year!
Is your Clematis Armandii the perfumed variety?

Pondside said...

I can see that I'll have to take notes from your blog before heading to the nursery (because I'll be able to grow these things once the deer fence is done!)
Over here broom is a menace and there are 'broom bashes' held regularly, when people head out to pull it out before it flowers. It thrives here to the extent that it chokes out everything else.........but it is so bright and pretty.

Carah Boden said...

Your garden looks beautiful, Withy (your lovely stone house too!)

Maggie Christie said...

Such beautiful pictures Withy. Is it a scented clematis? It looks divine and I bet it smells gorgeous too.