Sunday, 13 May 2007

Church this morning

Today, I went off to the Church in Cambo, as we only have one service a month. Our Vicar is away, so we had a visit from the young son of our ex Vicar. He is such a nice young man and although there were only 8 of us in the congregation, he preached an excellent sermon with great conviction. The reason for this very short, pictureless blog is that I wanted to share two things from his sermon with anyone who visits.
First, there are so many blessings. We should all look about and find them. If we read the Bible (which I am very bad at) we find masses of things. And even when we are feeling low, we could probably find something. If I sat down now and started to list them, I would not get the Sunday chicken cooked!
Second, a comment from a woman who worked a miracle in improving the behaviour of men in a dreadful prison in South Africa. When asked how she did it, she said "God was always here, I just needed to make him visible" How I hope that just once in a while I manage to do that. God Bless you all. Luv Rho


Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Thank you for your lovely moments. I am not a church goer and have my own Spiritual faith - but appreciated your blog and what it means.

Pondside said...

It sounds as though you've had a lovely start to the week. Lucky to have someone who can preach - we've got one who takes his sermons off he internet. I groan inwardly when he starts his sermons with "Frank, a 45 year old man from Australia......." because I know that is is a straight plagerism or canned sermon.

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Hellooo again - did I reply to your email last night . . It was all a bit of a blur. I fell asleep on teh sofa woke up, felt really ghastly and went to bed fully clothed. Even left my computer on and my toothbrush on charge - which is something, after the fire, I never do. Sorry if I left you lost in cyberspace. Google sometimes plays up for no reason - I can only guess it is when it is very busy at night. No need to apologise - you had no idea how I was feeling.

countrymousie said...

I so enjoyed your blog and - our vicar has retired this last week so we are awaiting a new one. Most young vicars and wives I am told these days want the excitement of the city with the drugs and drink problems! Not much to do in a village they say - mostly funerals!! Rather gloomy I felt.