Monday, 23 April 2007

Blog Pages

Had a bit of a run around afew of other Blog pages earlier. I was fascinated by the different layouts and wondered why until I remembered that you can move things around. The sight of 3 pics on one post nearly did me in!

Maybe I'll go through each file in 'My Pictures' and do a post on each, with examples! Egypt or Russia or China for instance as well as the garden and even maybe some family.

Don't think I shall start on all the old pics of G's ancestors - that would be really boring, unless I can find some funny ones. I am into family history, and am the only person producing that one. I must edit my interests - family history and village history.

Please note, I am double spacing and keeping paragraphs short in case any of you dyslectics are kind enough to visit!

As I am trying to be sensible and not blog in the daytime - ho! ho! - That is enough for today. I have lots of other ideas for other subjects, so will have to live to be 100! I intend to anyway!


Woozle1967 said...

Hey! Hi Granny!xx

muddyboots said...

thank you sooo much,